El Gallo Rosa

El Gallo Rosa was a branding project accomplished for a restaurant in Hawaii, where our client wanted a space that could reflect the authentic Mexican vibe, not only regarding the excellence of the food quality, but also through the creation of a branding concept  that transported the guests into a place where they could have a taste of the real and authentic culture of Mexico. 


The branding and design for this project were clearly very rich; through the creation of catchy slogans and entertaining banners, we aimed to welcome the restaurant’s guests in a chill and fun environment. Where everything from the employees to the atmosphere reminded of the Mexican festive ambience.


The main challenge this project had to face was clearly Covid-19; safety was indeed the priority, and we took the critical situation and tried to soften it a bit through the adaptation of our branding in a funny way. 


Tentación Project

BOLD.Naming / Branding
ROUE BikesNaming / Branding / Strategy
Bestial by Rosi la LocaNaming / Branding / Strategy
BOOM BOOM CiaoRe-Branding / Strategy / Social Media
Calle 365 MadridBranding / Strategy / Social Media
Inclán Brutal BarRe-Branding / Strategy / Web
NullBranding / Strategy / Website
Lovo BarBranding / Strategy / Social Media / Web
CelestinoBranding / Strategy / Website
El Gallo RosaBranding / Strategy / Web
Calle 365 AlicanteBranding / Strategy / Social Media
Cafe BarbieriRe-Branding / Strategy / Social Media
Hotel PalmarBranding / Strategy / Website
Rosi la locaRe-Branding / Strategy
Ostería bravissimoRe-Branding / Strategy
Teatro MagnoRe-Branding / Strategy / web
PalitroqueBranding / Strategy / Design
Hotel MariiBranding / Strategy / Website
WattioBranding / Strategy / Website
BabillageBranding / Strategy
BombachoBranding / Strategy / Social Media
Paulet Lozano NutriciónBranding / Strategy / Web
SerendipiaBranding / Strategy
ToptierProject type


C.Gran Vía, 33, 8D, Centro, 28013 Madrid
Email: administracion@estudiotentacion.com
Instagram: @estudiotentacion

© Estudio Tentación 2023
