Rosi la 


Rosi la loca is a rebranding project that aims to build a concept of a restaurant far different from anything we define as "normal". This taberna is a place where people come not only to taste good local Spanish food but also because they want to live the unforgettable experience of diving into a crazy dimension, where everything from the plates to the loos is a real explosion of fantasy.


The personality of the brand is embodied by Rosi, a woman who accepts herself for who she is, with all her merits and defects. The restaurant is the visual representation of Rosi’s dreams, which do not really make sense but are just extremely extraordinary and transport guests into a world without rules.


Rosi la loca was born from the idea of creating a brand that could both inspire and reflect amazement in people’s eyes, making the action of going out to eat an actual experience that touches all five senses. 


Tentación Project

Villa BalearesBranding / Strategy
BOLD.Naming / Branding
ROUE BikesNaming / Branding / Strategy
Lovo BarBranding / Strategy / Social Media / Web
Bestial by Rosi la LocaNaming / Branding / Strategy
BOOM BOOM CiaoRe-Branding / Strategy / Social Media
Inclán Brutal BarRe-Branding / Strategy / Web
Calle 365 MadridBranding / Strategy / Social Media
El Gallo RosaBranding / Strategy / Web
Umbrella StationBranding / Strategy
NullBranding / Strategy / Website
CelestinoBranding / Strategy / Website
Calle 365 AlicanteBranding / Strategy / Social Media
Cafe BarbieriRe-Branding / Strategy / Social Media
Hotel PalmarBranding / Strategy / Website
Rosi la locaRe-Branding / Strategy
Ostería bravissimoRe-Branding / Strategy
Teatro MagnoRe-Branding / Strategy / web
PalitroqueBranding / Strategy / Design
Hotel MariiBranding / Strategy / Website
WattioBranding / Strategy / Website
BabillageBranding / Strategy
BombachoBranding / Strategy / Social Media
Paulet Lozano NutriciónBranding / Strategy / Web
SerendipiaBranding / Strategy
ToptierProject type


C.Gran Vía, 33, 8D, Centro, 28013 Madrid
Instagram: @estudiotentacion

© Estudio Tentación 2023
