Lovo Bar

Lovo is a branding project born with the idea of giving a fascinating personality to a bar, creating a concept that could be outstandingly different from the other bars in Madrid.

In order to do so, we created the brand by fusing three main concepts: Josephine Baker, the Roaring Twenties and the Wolf; a curious trio that aims to transmit the passion for the night, which unites people who are looking for a good experience when the sun goes down.


The essence of Lovo Bar is embodied by Josephine Baker, the icon of extravagance and unconventionality for excellence. A woman who is not scared to get out of the schemes and express art in her own iconic way.


When people enter Lovo Bar, they can smell the fragrance of elegance and excess that only an atmosphere inspired by the roaring twenties can transmit.


The wolf is the crucial element to complete the personality of Lovo Bar: a mysterious but fascinating animal that only comes out at night and embodies the wildest and deepest part of the human being's soul that is trapped in the schemes of everyday life but that at Lovo bar shall feel free to come out in all its splendor.  


Key Results with Lovo Bar




IG Followers

Financial Growth

IG Engagement

Tentación Project

Villa BalearesBranding / Strategy
BOLD.Naming / Branding
ROUE BikesNaming / Branding / Strategy
Lovo BarBranding / Strategy / Social Media / Web
Bestial by Rosi la LocaNaming / Branding / Strategy
BOOM BOOM CiaoRe-Branding / Strategy / Social Media
Inclán Brutal BarRe-Branding / Strategy / Web
Calle 365 MadridBranding / Strategy / Social Media
El Gallo RosaBranding / Strategy / Web
Umbrella StationBranding / Strategy
NullBranding / Strategy / Website
CelestinoBranding / Strategy / Website
Calle 365 AlicanteBranding / Strategy / Social Media
Cafe BarbieriRe-Branding / Strategy / Social Media
Hotel PalmarBranding / Strategy / Website
Rosi la locaRe-Branding / Strategy
Ostería bravissimoRe-Branding / Strategy
Teatro MagnoRe-Branding / Strategy / web
PalitroqueBranding / Strategy / Design
Hotel MariiBranding / Strategy / Website
WattioBranding / Strategy / Website
BabillageBranding / Strategy
BombachoBranding / Strategy / Social Media
Paulet Lozano NutriciónBranding / Strategy / Web
SerendipiaBranding / Strategy
ToptierProject type


C.Gran Vía, 33, 8D, Centro, 28013 Madrid
Email: administracion@estudiotentacion.com
Instagram: @estudiotentacion

© Estudio Tentación 2023
