Serendipia was a project developed after the critical period carried out by COVID19. The brand, as the name may suggest, represents the encounter of something incredible and lucky that we were not looking for, but rather it appears out there as a wave of rebirth and unexpected happiness.

The brand’s personality is represented by the unexpectedly early birth of a little girl, Serendipia, who growing up will perfectly embody the concepts of magic, sweetness, fantasy, and the entire place aims to cuddle its guests and let them feel in an oneiric world.

Serendipia is based on the idea of inventing a particular concept bar easily distinguishable from the other bars in Madrid. Therefore, in addition to representing the desire to go out again, Serendipia offers a charming menu, which is a combination of pastries and cocktails, along with a place that transmits magic everywhere.

Tentación Project

C.Gran Vía, 33, 8D, Centro, 28013 Madrid
Email: administracion@estudiotentacion.com
Instagram: @estudiotentacion
© Estudio Tentación 2023